Mahitahi Hauora hosted ASPIRE 2025 researchers in Kerikeri on Friday 29 November, at an event aimed to feedback research findings to members of the Smokefree network in Northland.
Anaru Waa, a Principal Investigator of the Te Ara Auahi Kore (TAKe) Project, presented Northland-specific findings from the study, providing insights into the determinants of smoking for Māori.
Participants also heard from Richard Edwards who presented findings from the first two waves of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) study which he leads, and Jude Ball who presented findings from her doctoral project on the drivers of adolescent smoking decline.
ASPIRE 2025 presenters: Professor Richard Edwards, Anaru Waa and Dr Jude Ball.
For further details about this seminar or the presentations featured, please email: