Betwixt two worlds? Disruptive technology and negotiating identity change

This project explored whether and how people who smoke make transitions to vaping. We probed how people negotiated new identity positions, and the practices they retained, created or relinquished as they began vaping. We explored whether and how people who began vaping exclusively transitioned to becoming vape-free.

We used a novel mixed-methods approach that included longitudinal qualitative interviews, videographic analyses, and ecological momentary assessments. These approaches enabled us to develop contrasting perspectives on why and when transition from smoking to vaping, and beyond, occurred. We used social practice concepts to probe how smoking and vaping practices intersected and evolved in relation to other practices.


Marsden Fund of New Zealand, Royal Society (2018)

Lead Investigator

Janet Hoek

Project team members

Tamlin Conner, University of Otago

Mei-Ling Blank, University of Otago

Shelagh Ferguson, University of Otago

Lee Thompson, University of Otago

Project partner

Hāpai te Hauora