The Whakahā o Te Pā Harakeke programme comprises three whenu (strands), connected by miro that reflect our core principles of partnership and capacity building; our commitment to eliminating disparities, and our undertaking to foster active engagement with all stakeholders.
Whenu tahi
Whenu tahi includes the Evidence for Achieving Smokefree Aotearoa Equitably (EASE) project. This project builds on the ongoing NZ ITC and Te Ara Auahi Kore studies, and will investigate the impact and feasibility of novel smokefree policy options through regular surveys of people who smoke or who have recently quit. This whenu also includes the INSPIRED project which explores the experiences of other countries that have set national smokefree goals and will identify new ideas that could be applied in Aotearoa.
Whenu rua
Whenu rua projects will probe topical issues and emerging questions and findings from whenu tahi (the EASE project), using rich qualitative and mixed methods. Projects include exploring how individuals, whānau and communities experience smokefree measures, retailers’ views on measures that will see tobacco delisted from several stores, possible unintended outcomes of policy measures, relapse from vaping to smoking, and how young people access vaping products. These studies offer fine-grained insights into measures designed to reduce the appeal, availability, and affordability of smoking.
Whenu toru
Whenu toru explores barriers to research findings being applied by government within tobacco control policies and interventions. This whenu takes a systems perspective to understanding the wider context in which smokefree activities operate within Aotearoa. Research activities include identifying actors and institutions that influence smokefree policies, and probing how they influence policy development and implementation, particularly as they relate to addressing smoking disparities.
Health Research Council (HRC) programme grant 19/641 (2019)
Lead investigators
Janet Hoek, Richard Edwards, and Andrew Waa
Project co-investigators
Anna Graham-DeMello
Ellen Ozarka
El-Shadan Tautolo
James Stanley
Janine Nip
Jude Ball
Lani Teddy
Lizzie Stricket
Maria Hepi
Matt Walton
Project members
Hāpai te Hauora
University of Canterbury