20/11/14 Update – Thank you to all those who were able to attend Marisa’s presentation. We have had excellent feedback and hope to post a summary of her presentation slides shortly.
Register now for this ASPIRE2025 seminar to be presented by Dr Marisa de Andrade from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
Marisa will address the question: what potential loopholes do e-cigarettes offer the tobacco marketer? Thereby she will explain tobacco marketing, bring the problem of marketing loopholes to life and suggest ways of not just closing, but forestalling them.
Venue: University of Otago, Wellington | Mein St, Newtown
Date: Wednesday 19 November| 2.15pm
View flier: Tobacco Marketing Loopholes? The Case of Electronic Cigarettes
Registration: Free attendance, but please RSVP to Fran at the University of Otago by Monday 17th November. Email: fran.wright@otago.ac.nz

Marisa is a Lecturer and Programme Director at the School of Health in Social Science at the University of Edinburgh. Her recent Cancer Research UK funded projects include investigating the marketing of e-cigarettes and establishing a research agenda and policy directions for tobacco harm reduction.