ASPIRE2025 Annual Report for 2016

ASPIRE2025 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 thumbnail

We are delighted to share with you our ASPIRE2025 Annual Report for 2016. The report provides a brief insight into our diverse research programme and illustrates how we are addressing the challenge of achieving a Smokefree Aotearoa by 2025.

Highlights from 2016 which are featured in our report include:

  • Four major new projects underway
  • New international collaborations
  • New community engagement initiatives
  • Plus some of our key research outputs from 2016.

We welcome your feedback on our work and, as always, would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your research needs with you.

Please view the report here:

ASPIRE2025 Annual Report 2016 high res (9MB)

ASPIRE2025 Annual Report 2016 low res (3.5MB)

For further information please contact any of our team or email