Several ASPIRE Aotearoa members attended the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT) conference in Edinburgh earlier this year.
Highlights included a very well-received workshop led by Anaru Waa, which included presentations from ASPIRE and CREATE (the Centre for Research into Tobacco Endgames at the University of Queensland) team members on endgame research. Other ASPIRE members to give oral presentations included Lani Teddy, Janine Nip, and Janet Hoek.
It was a fantastic opportunity for our team to gain knowledge and build connections in tobacco research.
Our contributions are listed below:
Waa A, Gartner C, Hoek J, Edwards R, Duffy S. From Evidence to Action: Using Research to Stimulate Radical Change in Commercial Tobacco Control Policy.
Oral presentations:
Brennan E, Gascoyne C, Srinivasan G, Dunstone K, Hoek J, Thrasher J, Wakefield M, Durkin S. Which proximal and downstream health warning label outcome measures predict subsequent quit attempts? Findings from a cohort study of Australian adults who smoke.
Brennan E, Dunstone K, Gascoyne C, Srinivasan G, Thrasher J, Hoek J, Wakefield, M, Durkin G. An experimental study of pack health warnings to inform people who smoke about the misleading effects of tobacco product manipulations.
Fong GT, Meng G, Cummings KM, Hyland A, Gartner C, Borland R, East KA, McNeill A, Edwards R, Waa A, Seo HG, Lee S, Kim G, Katanoda K, Tabuchi T, Quah ACK, Gravely S. Trends in use of nicotine vaping products and heated tobacco products among adults who regularly smoke cigarettes in 7 countries: Findings from International Tobacco Control (ITC) survey.
Gendall P, Popova P, Thrasher J, Hoek J. Should very low nicotine cigarettes feature low nicotine messages? A cross-sectional survey from Aotearoa New Zealand.
Hammond D, Reid JL, Burkhalter, R, Ball J, Bansal-Travers B, Cummings KM, East KA, Edwards R, Fong GT, Goniewicz M, Hyland A, McNeill A, Thrasher JF, Waa A. Trends in the use of nicotine products among youth in Canada, England, and the United States between 2017 and 2023: Findings from the ITC Youth & Young Adult Tobacco and Vaping Survey.
Heris C, Teddy L, Waa A, Maddox R. Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua: Māori sovereignty in smokefree Aotearoa - learnings for decolonising Australian tobacco policy.
Nip J, Agar T, Ball J, Edwards R, Fong GT, Quah ACK, Stanley J, Tautolo E, Waa A, Zhang J. Use of heated tobacco products in people who smoke or recently quit smoking in Aotearoa New Zealand: findings from the 2022 ITC New Zealand (EASE) survey.
Nip J, Agar T, Ball J, Edwards R, Fong GT, Quah ACK, Stanley J, Tautolo E, Waa A, Zhang J. Use of nicotine vaping products and heated tobacco products among people who smoke or have recently quit smoking in Aotearoa New Zealand: Findings from the 2022 ITC New Zealand (EASE) survey.
Ozarka E, Teddy L, Blank M, Waa A, Hoek J. Plain packaging in Aotearoa New Zealand five years post-implementation: A qualitative analysis of fear management strategies.
Gravely S, East KA, Novotny TE, Hoek J, Cummings KM, Quah ACK, Morphett K, Sellars D, Fong GT,
Ouimet J, Hyland A, Bansal-Travers M, O’Connor RJ, Gartner C. The association between opposition to a cigarette filter ban policy and the belief that removing filters makes cigarettes more harmful among adults who smoke: Findings from the 2022 ITC four country smoking and vaping survey.
Maddox R, Whop L, Bradbrook S, Kennedy M, Martinez S, Nez Henderson P, Clark H, Upton P, Tautolo D, Hardy B, Teddy L, Waa A, Drummond A. Ethical publishing in indigenous contexts.
Teddy L, Ozarka E, Blank M, Waa A, Hoek J. Hope and resilience: The potential role of efficacy labels in supporting warning labels on commercial tobacco packaging.