Image - The Smokefree 2025 goal - an opportunity for the new government

June 2018

This letter calls for bold new actions from the New Zealand Government to achieve the Smokefree 2025 goal.

Written by health and tobacco experts from the Cancer Society and the University of Otago, Wellington, it calls for the vision of the 2010 Māori Affairs Select Committee Inquiry on the tobacco industry to be revived. That vision included a reduction of tobacco retail outlets, and a reduction in tobacco additives, as part of the work to reduce health inequalities between Māori and non-Māori.

With a new Government, there is an opportunity to introduce a coordinated, evidence-based strategy. Already there are some signs of progress. The Minister of Health quickly recognised that a clear path was required to achieve the 2025 goal, and now Associate Minister Salesa has committed to creating a plan.

View media release: Smokefree 2025: An opportunity for big scores by the Government

View opinion piece on Otago Bullletin Board

For more information or to request a copy of the letter, please contact:

Martin Witt
Manager Health Promotion, Cancer Society Canterbury West Coast
Email Martin.Witt@cancercwc.org.nz

George Thomson
University of Otago, Wellington
email george.thomson@otago.ac.nz