Many thanks to all who attended the ASPIRE-NIHI Smokefree2025 Research symposium in Wellington on 26 October. We were delighted with the response and will definitely be exploring how we might extend the event in future years.
The presentation slides can now be viewed by clicking the links below.
ASPIRE2025 presentations
- BODE3 modelling overview: Implications for 2025 | Associate Professor Nick Wilson – please contact Nick Wilson for more information
- Endgame and smokefree aotearoa 2025 update | Professor Richard Edwards
- Endgame priorities for Māori | Anaru Waa
- Smoking cessation innovations and 2025 | Professor Julian Crane
- Growth in RYO tobacco use: A threat to 2025? | Professor Janet Hoek
- Tobacco retail policy and the 2025 goal | Lindsay Robertson
- Smokefree sign observation and other real world research | Associate Professor George Thomson
- Should we pay people to stop smoking? | Professor Rob McGee
NIHI Presentations
For all NIHI presentations please see
- Increasing the uptake and effectiveness of existing interventions | Professor Chris Bullen
- Growing the evidence base for cytisine: Why do we care? | Associate Professor Natalie Walker
- E-cigarettes: research to inform policy decisions | Professor Chris Bullen
- Reducing the nicotine content of combusted tobacco: is this relevant to the Smokefree 2025 goal? | Associate Professor Natalie Walker
- No smokers left behind: the need to focus on priority populations | Professor Chris Bullen
- Don’t forget about relapse prevention! | Associate Professor Natalie Walker
If you wish to contact any of the presenters, please see the Symposium Programme which has email addresses for each presenter.
For further information please email us at