The presentations and posters by ASPIRE2025 researchers at the World Conference Tobacco or Health (WCToH) – Cape Town, South Africa, March 2018 are listed below. If you are interested in a presentation which does not have slides available, please contact the lead author for more information.
Should we pay all smokers to quit smoking?
Lead Author Lindsay Robertson
Indigenous and non-indigenous experiences and views of tobacco tax increases: findings from the ITC New Zealand Survey.
Lead author Andrew Waa
Achieving the tobacco endgame. The case for removing additives: findings from the ITC New Zealand Survey.
Lead author Andrew Waa
Use of e-cigarettes among smokers and recent quitters: results from the ITC New Zealand Survey.
Lead author Richard Edwards
Use of roll-your-own tobacco among Maori and non-Maori: results from the ITC New Zealand Survey.
Lead author Richard Edwards
“It Didn’t Fill the Void”: Reasons for E-cigarette and Tobacco Dual Use.
Lead Author Lindsay Robertson