When?  Wednesday 26 February, 2020
Where? University of Otago campus, Newtown, Wellington.

Join advocates, researchers, retailers, cessation practitioners and more for this 1-day Public Health Summer School course, to hear the latest evidence around regulating tobacco products to make them less appealing and addictive, and have less impact on the environment.

Smokefree researchers from ASPIRE will lead these discussions, which will also include presentations from national and international experts. The day will end with a panel discussion where community, advocacy and NGO leaders discuss potential uptake of these ideas to shape policy and practice.

This course will:

  • Consider how smoked tobacco regulation could reduce smoking prevalence and inequities.
  • Review how tobacco companies continue to make smoked tobacco appealing to young people, and their efforts to stymie product regulation.
  • Examine the potential impact of reducing nicotine in cigarettes to non-addictive levels.
  • Probe how removing filter ventilation could change the experience of smoking.
  • Explore the impact tobacco product waste has on the environment and how we could address this problem.
  • Review findings from the NZ International Tobacco Control and TAKe Surveys and explore smokers’ responses to policies that would change tobacco product design.
  • Consider how tobacco product regulation could improve well-being and support Māori and Pacific peoples to be smokefree.
  • Explore ideas with community and advocacy groups and probe how they could use these in their work

Note early bird pricing applies until 19 December 2019, so register now for 25% discount

Click here for course information and to register: Modifying tobacco products to realise the Smokefree2025 goal

For more information, please contact the course convenor:

Professor Janet Hoek
University of Otago, Dunedin
Email: janet.hoek@otago.ac.nz

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