
As promised in the report, “SMOKEFREE 2025: TEN YEARS AND COUNTING. REPORT FROM THE PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMERSCHOOL, 2015′, presentation slides are now available for many of the presentations and can be viewed by clicking on the titles below: The Public Health Summerschool course, ‘Smokefree2025: Ten years and counting’, was held at the University of Otago, Wellington on 9 February 2015.

Progress to Smokefree 2025  – Richard Edwards
Strategies to achieve Smokefree 2025– Richard Edwards
Current status of the SmokeFree 2025 Strategies – Jan Pearson, Stephanie Erick
Smoking Projections– Nick Wilson
Strategies: Cessation– Brent Caldwell
Smokefree outdoors– George Thomson
Tobacco affordability– George Thomson
Tobacco-free Retailer Tool Kit– Bridget Rowse
Strategies: E-cigarettes– Brent Caldwell
New and radical, wild and wacky– Fay Selby-Law & Sally Darragh
Statement of Intent to Support Tupeka Kore Smokefree Tai Tokerau 2025 – Bridget Rowse