This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa publications in peer reviewed journals (e.g., articles, editorials, and letters). You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.

  • A narrative analysis of a tobacco industry campaign to disrupt Aotearoa New Zealand’s endgame policies
    Tobacco Control.
  • Fenton, E Joshi, A Evans-Reeves, K Robertson, L
    An analysis of arguments advanced via twitter in an advocacy campaign to promote electronic nicotine delivery systems
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2023;25(3),533-540.
  • Hird, T.R. Gallagher, A.W.A. Evans-Reeves, K. Zatoński, M. Dance, S. Diethelm, P.A. Gilmore, A.B.
    Understanding the long-term policy influence strategies of the tobacco industry: two contemporary case studies.
    Tobacco Control,
  • Karreman, N. Gilmore, A.
    Evaluating tobacco industry ‘transformation’: a proposed rubric and analysis.
    Tobacco Control,
  • Maddox, R. Bovill, M. Drummond, A. Hardy, B.-J. Soto, C. Calma, T.
    Clearing the air: Conflicts of interest and the tobacco industry's impact on Indigenous peoples.
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
    Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntab267
  • Robertson, L. Silver, K.
    PMI New Zealand conflates IQOS heated tobacco products with electronic nicotine delivery systems.
    Tobacco Control,
    Advance online publication. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-056964
  • Matthes, B. K. Lauber, K. Zatoński, M. Robertson, L. Gilmore, A. B.
    Developing more detailed taxonomies of tobacco industry political activity in low-income and middle-income countries: Qualitative evidence from eight countries.
    BMJ Global Health,
    6, e004096. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004096
  • Haggart, K.
    Flavour capsule variants' performance in a "dark market": Implications for standardised packaging.
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
    22(5), 853-856. doi: 10.1093/ntr/nty158
  • Smith, J.
    An analysis of tobacco placement in Youtube cartoon series The Big Lez Show.
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
    22(4), 580-582. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntz051
  • Robson, B. Gifford, H. Smylie, J. Reading, J. Henderson, J.A. Nez Henderson, P. Maddox, R. Lovett, R. Eades, S. Finlay, S. Calma, T.
    Foundation for a smoke-free world and healthy indigenous futures: An oxymoron?
    Tobacco Control,