This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa outputs (e.g., blogs, op-eds, research reports, submissions, conference presentations, and posters). Many outputs include links to an online resource or can be downloaded directly as a PDF. You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.


  • Nyamurungi, K. Gravely, S. Achiri, N.* Khow, K. Kakoulides, S. Oginni, A. Rusatira, J. Kabwama, S.
    Compliance with Uganda's new smokefree law in hospitality venues: challenges and opportunities from a Civil Society perspective (Poster).
    48th World Union Conference on Lung Health, Guadalajara, Mexico,
    11-14 Oct 2017
  • Gravely, S. Nyamurungi, K.* Kabwama, S. Khow, K. Achiri, N. Oginni, A.* Rusatira, J. Kakoulides, S.
    An evaluation of compliance, knowledge, and attitudes related to the 100% smoke-free law in bars and restaurants in Kampala, Uganda (Poster).
    48th World Union Conference on Lung Health, Guadalajara, Mexico,
    11-14 Oct 2017
  • Richards, R.
    “It didn’t fill the void”: Reasons for e-cigarette and tobacco dual use (Oral presentation).
    Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, Hobart, Australia,
    2017, October
  • McMillan, L. Richards, R.
    Information-seeking by ENDS users: What do they look for and what do they find? (Oral presentation).
    Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, Hobart, Australia,
    2017, October
  • Nyamurungi, K. Gravely, S. Achiri, N. Khow, K. Kakoulides, S. Oginni, A.* Rusatira, J. Kabwama, S.
    Compliance with Uganda’s new smokefree law in hospitality venues: challenges and opportunities from a Civil Society perspective (Oral presentation).
    20th Conference of The Union Africa Region, Accra, Ghana,
    10-13 July, 2017
  • Gravely, S. Nyamurungi, K. Kabwama, S. Khow, K. Achiri, N. Oginni, A.* Rusatira, J. Kakoulides, S.
    An evaluation of compliance, knowledge, and attitudes related to the 100% smoke-free law in bars and restaurants in Kampala, Uganda (Oral presentation).
    20th Conference of The Union Africa Region, Accra, Ghana,
    10-13 July, 2017.
  • Opinion: How might a lethal product be sold safely?
    Dominion Post,
    June 1 2017.
  • McGee, R.
    New Zealand stakeholders’ views on tobacco retail regulation (Oral presentation).
    Behavioural Research in Cancer Control Conference, Melbourne,
    May 2017
  • Iosua, E. McGee, R. White, J.
    New Zealand adolescents’ discouragement of smoking among their peers (Oral presentation).
    13th Behavioural Research in Cancer Control Conference, Victoria, Australia,
    2017, May
  • McGee, R. Maclennan, B. Llewellyn, R. Ward, M.
    Alcohol imagery on New Zealand television: ten years on (Oral presentation).
    13th Behavioural Research in Cancer Control Conference, Victoria, Australia,
    2017, May