The theme of the 10th APACT conference held in Japan from 18-21 August, 2013, was “Ending the Tobacco Epidemic – Protecting and Keeping Healthy Lives”
ASPIRE2025 research was showcased by a number of our team with 4 oral presentations given and 8 posters shown. If you would like to see further information on any of these studies, please click on the titles below:
Oral Presentations:
Second-hand smoke exposure of children in cars in New Zealand: Repeated national survey data Richard Edwards, Ben Healey, Janet Hoek, Nick Wilson, George Thomson, Steve Taylor
Daring to dream: Policy-maker and practitioner views of an ‘endgame’ solution to tobacco smoking at a country level Richard Edwards, Nick Wilson, George Thomson, Marie Russell, Jo Peace, Heather Gifford
An Evaluation of the Removal of Tobacco Retail Displays in New Zealand Gregor Whyte, Philip Gendall and Janet Hoek
New Zealand Smokers’ and Non-Smokers’ Support for End-Game Retail Policies Gregor Whyte, Philip Gendall and Janet Hoek
Secondhand smoke exposure in cars and homes is associated with susceptibility to smoking in 14-15 year old children: Repeated national survey data Richard Edwards, Ben Healey, George Thomson , Nick Wilson , Janet Hoek , Steve Taylor
Perceptions and Misperceptions of a Smokefree Goal: Challenges for Communications Janet Hoek, Philip Gendall and Gregor Whyte
What messages do young adult smokers believe will be effective in cessation advertising? Ninya Maubach, Janet Hoek, Heather Gifford, Stephanie Erick, Richard Edwards and Rhiannon Newcombe
Patterns of Posting Behaviour in an Online Cessation Community Benjamin Healey, Janet Hoek and Richard Edwards
Monitoring political discourse around end-game goals. Using automated textual analysis to enable an on-going overview for tobacco control Benjamin Healey, Richard Edwards, Janet Hoek and George Thomson
Effective Nationwide Networking and Social Movement in Aotearoa New Zealand Prudence Stone, Stephanie Erick, Skye Kimura – poster to be added soon
Smoking Prevalence and Behaviours amongst a Longitudinal Cohort of Pacific Islands Fathers in New Zealand El-Shadan Tautolo
What is Needed to Achieve New Zealand’s Smokefree Nation Goal: Results from a Forecasting Model Takayoshi Ikeda, Linda Cobiac, Nhung Nghiem, Kristie Carter, Nick Wilson, Tony Blakely – University of Otago BODE3