Image - Should New Zealand do more to help other Pacific nations become smokefree by 2025 -The case of Tokelau as a potential example

The New Zealand Government has the goal of becoming a Smokefree Nation by 2025. It has also supported work to help some Pacific nations meet their obligations under the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control. In this letter to the New Zealand Medical Journal, it briefly discusses if New Zealand could do more to help its Pacific neighbours, using the example of Tokelau.

Tokelau has high smoking rates (46% of adults in one survey) and like other countries, a growing chronic disease burden. In terms of tobacco control, New Zealand has already provided some support to Tokelau in terms of assisting in drafting tobacco control legislation. But there are good self-interest reasons why New Zealand should offer yet more help to Tokelau to advance tobacco control.

For further information please contact:

George Thomson
University of Otago, Wellington
email: george.thomson@otago.ac.nz

Nick Wilson
University of Otago, Wellington
email: nick.wilson@otago.ac.nz