
Nick Wilson

Nick Wilson

Nick is a medical doctor who subsequently specialised as a public health physician and then moved into university-based research. He has over 450 Medline-indexed publications in peer-reviewed journals. His research interests include:

Recent publications

  1. The Smokefree legislation is evidence-based, removing it is not
  2. Perceptions of illicit tobacco sources following a proposed reduction in tobacco availability: A qualitative analysis of New Zealanders who smoke
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
  3. Daily nicotine use increases among youth in Aotearoa NZ: The 2021 Snapshot Y10 Survey.
    Public Health Expert,
    March 8 2022.
  4. Nghiem, N. Summers, J. Grout, L.
    Modelling the Impacts of Tobacco Denicotinisation on Achieving the Smokefree 2025 Goal in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    2022;135 (1548): 65-76.
  5. Key findings on smoking and e-cigarette use prevalence and trends in the 2020/21 NZ Health Survey.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    17 December, 2021.
  6. Summers, J. Quakrim, D.A. Blakely, T.
    Vaping needs much tighter regulation as we approach Smokefree Aotearoa 2025: Two new studies.
    Public Health Expert,
    November 23, 2021.
  7. Nghiem, N. Summers, J. Grout, L.
    A Smokefree Aotearoa – could taking the nicotine out of smoked tobacco products help us get there?
    Public Health Expert,
    September 6 2021.
  8. Summers, J. A. Ouakrim, D. A. Blakely, T.
    Updated health and cost impacts of electronic nicotine delivery systems, using recent estimates of relative harm for vaping compared to smoking.
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
    Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntab178
  9. Petrovic-van der Deen, F.
    A Smokefree Aotearoa – could making tobacco products available only through community pharmacies help us get there?
    Public Health Expert,
    August 12, 2021.
  10. New e-liquid flavour restrictions: Potential impacts on young people and people who smoke.
    Public Health Expert,
    August 10, 2021
  11. Thomson, G.
    When will hospo become part of the smokefree solution?
    8 July, 2021.
  12. Illicit tobacco trade and the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Goal: Arguments and Evidence.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    27 May, 2021.
  13. Social Marketing for Smokefree Aotearoa 2025: Reminding, Reinforcing, and Changing Social Norms.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    21 May, 2021.
  14. Novotny, T. Thrasher, J.
    The Case for Banning Cigarette Filters: Addressing a Consumer Fraud, Smoking Decoy and Environmental Hazard.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    17 May, 2021.
  15. Reducing nicotine in smoked tobacco products: A pivotal feature of the proposals for achieving Smokefree Aotearoa 2025.
    Public Health Expert,
    April 30, 2021.
  16. Progress towards a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan: Congratulations to the Government.
    Public Health Expert,
    April 16, 2021.
  17. Thomson, G. Blakely, T.
    Five Strategic Approaches to Achieving the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Goal.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    29 January, 2021.
  18. Nghiem, N. Summers, J. Grout, L.
    Report on Preliminary High-Level Modelling Estimates of Impacts on Smoking Prevalence of Major Tobacco Control Interventions in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    University of Otago, Wellington
  19. Jones, A. C. Thomson, G. W.
    Poor smoke-free status of airports in a country with a smoke-free goal: New Zealand.
    Tobacco Control,
    30, 704-707. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-055894
  20. Gurram, N. Grout, L. Thomson, G.
    A survey of the smokefree status of pedestrian-only spaces in 10 New Zealand local government areas.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    134(1544), 69-80.
  21. Singh, A. Blakely, T.
    Simulating future public health benefits of tobacco control interventions: A systematic review of models.
    Tobacco Control,
    30, 460-470. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055425
  22. What does the 2019/20 NZ Health Survey tell us about progress towards a Smokefree Aotearoa?
    Public Health Expert,
    December 14 2020
  23. The smokefree policies of political parties: Do they care about people who smoke?
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    23 September 2020.
  24. The smokefree policies of political parties: Do they care about people who smoke?
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    23 September 2020
  25. Thomson, G.
    Smoke-free cars legislation: It works but New Zealand should still rigorously evaluate its upcoming law.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    133(1520), 106-110.
  26. Delany, L. Thomson, G.W.
    Smokefree laws and hospitality settings: An example from New Zealand of a deficient approach.
    Tobacco Control,
    2020;29:460 .
  27. Thomson, G.
    After the new law for smokefree cars for Kiwi kids, what next?
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    4 June 2020
  28. Proposed Vaping Regulations for NZ: Strengths and Limitations.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    24 February, 2020
  29. Tobacco Excise Taxes and the Smokefree 2025 Goal: Some Ways Forward.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    January 16 2020
  30. Tobacco excise taxes: A health and social justice measure?
    Tobacco Control,
    Advance online publication.
  31. Delany, L. Thomson, G.W.
    Smokefree laws and hospitality settings: An example from New Zealand of a deficient approach.
    Tobacco Control,
    29, 460. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055215
  32. Ten things we can learn from new smoking and vaping data about progress to Smokefree Aotearoa 2025.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    2019, Dec 17
  33. Gurram, N. Thomson, G.
    Electronic cigarette online marketing by New Zealand vendors.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    132(1505), 20-33.
  34. The pros and cons of a smokefree Aotearoa 2025 goal: The case is overwhelmingly pro for NZ.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    2019, Oct 31
  35. Thomson, G. Nee-Nee, J. Sutherland, K. Holland, R. Wilson, M.
    Observed vaping and smoking in outdoor public places: Piloting objective data collection for policies on outdoor vaping.
    Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
    43(4), 401-402.
  36. Nee-Nee, J. Thomson, G.
    Health promotion by more effective pack regulation: Reduction in tobacco pack display at hospitality venues after the introduction of standardised tobacco packaging with new pictorial warnings [Paper presentation].
    The 23rd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, New Zealand,
    2019, April 7-11
  37. Nee-Nee, J. Thomson, G.
    Outdoor vaping prevalence. [Oral presentation].
    The 23rd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, New Zealand,
    2019, April 7-11
  38. Gurram, N. Thomson, G.
    Vape marketing online: Protections for children? [Oral presentation].
    The 23rd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, New Zealand,
    2019, April 7-11
  39. Thomson, G.
    Smokefree signage at railway stations: A survey of 54 stations in 11 local government areas.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    132(1490), 59-61.
  40. Thomson, G.
    Full report on smokefree signage at railway stations: A survey of 54 stations in 11 local government areas.
    ASPIRE 2025.
  41. Nee-Nee, J. Sutherland, K. Holland, R. Wilson, M. Ackland, S. Bocock, C. Cartmell, A. Earp, J. Grove, C. Hewson, C. Jefferies, W. Keefe, L. Lockyer, J. Patel, S. Quintans, M. Robbie, M. Teape, L. Yang, J. Thomson, G.
    Tobacco pack display at hospitality venues after the introduction of standardised tobacco packaging in New Zealand: A field observation study.
    BMJ Open,
    9(9), Article e027868.
  42. Petrović-van der Deen, F.S. Blakely, T.
    Modelling the number of quitters needed to achieve New Zealand’s Smokefree 2025 goal for Māori and non-Māori.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    131(1487), 30-37.
  43. Thomson, G.
    Healthy playgrounds in New Zealand local government areas? An updated 2017-2018 survey of smokefree signage and drinking fountains.
    Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington,
    July 2018
  44. Blakely, T. Teng, A.
    How much of Māori: European mortality inequalities are due to socioeconomic position and tobacco?
    Public Health Expert,
    15 June 2018.
  45. Smoke, heat or vapour? Ideas for risk-proportionate regulation to make World Smokefree Day irrelevant by 2025.
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    31 May 2018
  46. Pearson, A.L. Thomson, G.
    Actual and potential use of Google Street View for studying tobacco issues: A brief review.
    Tobacco Control,
    27(3), 339-340.
  47. Thompson, G. Beaglehole, R. Delany, L. van der Deen, F. Youdan, B.
    Submission to the Tax Working Group.
    University of Otago, Wellington,
    April 2018.
  48. Boyd, M.
    Just ask Siri? A pilot study comparing smartphone digital assistants and laptop Google searches for smoking cessation advice.
    PLoS ONE,
  49. Standardised packaging: A new era in reducing tobacco marketing in NZ.
    Public Health Expert,
    14 March 2018.
  50. Thomson, G.
    What public health lessons can NZ still learn from the United States?
    Public Health Expert,
    29 January 2018.
  51. van der Deen, F.S. Cleghorn, C.L. Kvizhinadze, G. Cobiac, L.J. Nghiem, N. Blakely, T.
    Impact of five tobacco endgame strategies on future smoking prevalence, population health and health system costs: two modelling studies to inform the tobacco endgame.
    Tobacco Control,
    2018;27:278-286 .
  52. Nghiem, N. Cleghorn, C.L. Leung, W. Nair, N. Deen, F.S.V. Blakely, T.
    A national quitline service and its promotion in the mass media: modelling the health gain, health equity and cost-utility.
    Tobacco Control,
    2018 (4):434-441 .
  53. Cleghorn, C.L. Blakely, T. Kvizhinadze, G. van der Deen, F.S. Nghiem, N. Cobiac, L.J.
    Impact of increasing tobacco taxes on working-age adults: Short-term health gain, health equity and cost savings.
    Tobacco Control,
    2018; 27:e167-e170.
  54. Petrovic-van der Deen, F.S. Blakely, T.
    Modelling the number of quitters needed to achieve NZ’s Smokefree 2025 goal for Māori and non-Māori.
    ASPIRE-NIHI Smokefree 2025 Research Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand,
  55. Petrovic-van der Deen, F.S. Cleghorn, C.L. Nghiem, N. Kvizhinadze, G. Blakely, T.
    The BODE3 online interactive league table: Results for tobacco control interventions.
    ASPIRE-NIHI Smokefree 2025 Research Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand,
  56. Petrović-van der Deen, F.S.
    Restricting tobacco sales to only pharmacies as an endgame strategy: Are pharmacies likely to opt in?
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
    42(2), 219-220.
  57. Thomson, G. Jaine, R.
    Smokefree cars legislation: Should the new government make this a priority?
    Public Health Expert,
    11 December 2017.
  58. Thomson, G.
    Surveying all outdoor smokefree signage in contrasting suburbs: Methods and results.
    Health Promotion Journal of Australia,
    2017; 28:264.
  59. van der Deen, F.S. Thomson, G. Blakely, T.
    Patterns of Declining Smoking in NZ – But More Action Needed by the New Government.
    Public Health Expert,
    20 November 2017.
  60. Thomson, G.
    Smokefree signage at New Zealand racecourses and sports facilities with outdoor stands.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    130(1464), 80-86.
  61. Blakely, T. Cunningham, C. van der Deen, F. Erick, S. Hawke, Z. Nahu, S. Thomson, G. Thornley, L.
    “Achieving Smokefree Aotearoa by 2025”: A response to critiques.
    Public Health Expert,
    7 October 2017.
  62. Regulations to ban vaping in indoor settings (Oral presentation).
    International Conference on Tobacco Control. Taipei, Taiwan,
    2017, October
  63. Thomson, G. Gage, R.
    Healthy playgrounds: Simple methods to gather data for monitoring health risks and for advocacy (Oral presentation).
    PHANZ Conference, Ōtautahi, Christchurch,
    2017, October
  64. Thomson, G.
    Health promotion opportunities: Smokefree signage at sports facilities and racecourses with outdoor stands (Oral presentation).
    PHANZ Conference, Ōtautahi, Christchurch,
    2017, October
  65. Thomson, G.
    Local and regional smokefree and tobaccofree action in New Zealand: Highlights and directions.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    130(1462), 89-101.
  66. Blakely, T. Cunningham, C. van der Deen, F. Hawke, Z. Nahu, S. Thomson, G. Thornley, L. Erick, S.
    “Achieving Smokefree Aotearoa by 2025”: A new Action Plan to achieve our smokefree goal.
    Public Health Expert,
    17 September 2017.
  67. Teng, A. Atkinson, J. Disney, G. Blakely, T.
    Changing smoking-mortality association over time and across social groups: National census-mortality cohort studies from 1981 to 2011.
    Scientific Reports,
  68. Thomson, G.
    Smokefree signage at children’s playgrounds: Field observations and comparison with Google Street View.
    Tobacco Induced Diseases,
  69. Should e-cigarette use be included in indoor smoking bans?
    Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
    95(7), 540-541.
  70. van der Deen, F.S.
    A wealth of tobacco control research in New Zealand: Time for the New Zealand government to do its bit.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    130(1456), 6-9.
  71. Will liberalising nicotine availability increase quitting?
    Public Health Expert,
    24 April 2017
  72. Pega, F. Gilsanz, P. Kawachi, I. Blakely, T.
    Cumulative receipt of an anti-poverty tax credit for families did not impact tobacco smoking among parents.
    Social Science and Medicine,
    179, 160-165.
  73. Thomson, G. Martin, J. Gifford, H. Parata, K.
    A case study of smokefree outdoor policy options for a city.
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
    41(4), 448-449.
  74. Pearson, A.L. Thomson, G.
    Actual and potential use of Google street view for studying tobacco issues: A review (Oral presentation).
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy,
    2017, March
  75. Nghiem, N. Leung, W. Cleghorn, C. Nair, N. van der Deen, F.S. Blakely, T.
    Mass media and quitline combined: Modelling the health gain (QALYS), equity impacts and health cost savings (Oral presentation).
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy,
    2017, March
  76. van der Deen, F.S. Cleghorn, C. Kvizhinadze, G. Cobiac, L. Blakely, T.
    Can endgame interventions achieve a tobacco-free world by 2040? And with what QALY gains and cost savings? (Oral presentation).
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy,
    2017, March
  77. van der Deen, F.S.
    Pharmacists’ views on restricting tobacco and e-cigarettes sales to pharmacies only: A cross-sectional survey in New Zealand (Oral presentation).
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy,
    2017, March
  78. Pearson, A. Cleghorn, C. van der Deen, F.S. Cobiac, L. Kvizhinadze, G. Nghiem, N.
    Reduced access to tobacco retailers: Modelling health, equity and cost impacts at a national (Oral presentation).
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy,
    2017, March
  79. Gifford, H. Thomson, G. Martin, J. Parata, K.
    Issues and options for progress towards a smokefree city: A case study for smokefree outdoor policies (Oral presentation).
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy,
    2017, March
  80. Gartner, C.
    Systematic review of biomarker studies on e-cigarettes (Oral presentation).
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 23rd Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy,
    2017, March
  81. Thomson, G.
    Surveying all outdoor smokefree signage in contrasting suburbs: Methods and results.
    Health Promotion Journal of Australia,
    28(3), 264-265.
  82. Thomson, G.
    Global Tobacco Industry.
    International Encyclopedia of Public Health,
    S. R. Quah & W. Cockerham (Eds.), (2nd ed., pp. 292-300): Elsevier.
  83. Tucker, A.
    Die Another Day, James Bond’s smoking over six decades.
    Tobacco Control,
    26(5), 489-490.
  84. Teng, A.M. Atkinson, J. Disney, G. Blakely, T.
    Changing socioeconomic inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality: Cohort study with 54 million person-years follow-up 1981–2011.
    International Journal of Cancer,
    140(6), 1306-1316.
  85. Pearson, A.L. Cleghorn, C.L. van der Deen, F.S. Cobiac, L.J. Kvizhinadze, G. Nghiem, N.
    Tobacco retail outlet restrictions: health and cost impacts from multistate life-table modelling in a national population.
    Tobacco Control,
    26(5), 579-585.
  86. Should Smokefree Indoor Areas = Vapefree Areas?
    Public Health Expert,
    3 October 2016.
  87. van der Deen, F.S. Thomson, G.
    Perspective: Options for Licensed Retailing of Nicotine-Containing E-Cigarettes in NZ.
    8 September 2016.
  88. Delany, L. Thomson, G.
    Key design features of a new smokefree law to help achieve the Smokefree Aotearoa New Zealand 2025 Goal [Viewpoint].
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    129(1439), 68-76.
  89. Delany, L. Thomson, G.
    Key design features of a new smokefree law to help achieve the Smokefree Aotearoa.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    129(1439), 68-76.
  90. Smoking prevalence in New Zealand from 1996-2015: A critical review of national data sources to inform progress toward the Smokefree 2025 goal.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    129(1439), 11-22.
  91. Gartner, C.
    What Does Recent Biomarker Literature Say About The Likely Harm From E-Cigarettes?
    Public Health Expert,
    4 July 2016.
  92. Thomson, G.
    Survey of smokefree signage at playgrounds: The potential value of comparisons with dog control signage.
    Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
    2016; 40: 395. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12540
  93. Thomson, G. Jaine, R.
    Could New Zealand’s law on “new psychoactive substances” provide lessons for achieving the Smokefree 2025 goal?
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    129(1432), 94-96.
  94. Eckert, C. Louviere, J. Farley, T.
    Impact of standardised packaging relative to a tobacco price increase: Results of two experiments (Poster).
    22nd Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA,
    March 2016.
  95. Thomson, G. Collins, D.
    Attitudes to outdoor smokefree policies in the USA and Canada (Poster).
    22nd Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA,
    March 2016.
  96. Thomson, G. Jaine, R.
    The world’s first regulated legal market for psychoactive substances: Relevance to tobacco control? (Poster).
    22nd Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA,
    March 2016.
  97. Bradbrook, S.K. Gifford, H. Cunningham, C. Blakely, T. Thomson, G. Taylor, S.
    Is the NZ Government responding adequately to the Māori Affairs Select Committee’s 2010 recommendations on tobacco control? A brief review.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    129(1428), 93-97.
  98. Thomson, G.
    Evaluating smokefree compliance in a large smokefree park: Methods, issues and results.
    University of Otago, Wellington.
  99. Thomson, G. Martin, J. Gifford, H. Parata, K.
    Issues and options for progress towards a smokefree city: A case study for smokefree outdoor policies.
    University of Otago, Wellington.
  100. Oliver, J. Thomson, G.
    Ten years of a national law covering smoke-free school grounds: A brief review.
    Tobacco Control,
    25(1), 122. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-052127
  101. Blakely, T.
    The Draft NZ Health Strategy: will it enable New Zealanders to “live well, stay well and get well”?
    Public Health Expert,
    1 December 2015
  102. Thomson, G. Blakely, T. van der Deen, F. Caldwell, B. Crane, J.
    Potential new regulatory options for e-cigarettes in New Zealand.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    128(1425), 88-96.
  103. Thomson, G. Collins, D.
    Attitudes to smoke-free outdoor regulations in the USA and Canada: a review of 89 surveys.
    Tobacco Control,
    Online 14 September. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2015-052426.
  104. Thomson, G.
    Better smokefree signs at schools and hospitals?
    Presented at NZ Public Health Association Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand,
    September, 2015
  105. Thomson, G. Delany, L.
    Taming the monsters – tobacco industry corporations: problems, trends and solutions.
    Presented at NZ Public Health Association Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand,
    September, 2015
  106. Thomson, G.
    Taking the smoke out of 'a smoke and a drink'.
    Presented at NZ Public Health Association Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand,
    September, 2015
  107. Delany, L. Thomson, G. Curtis, H.
    An Act for Smokefree Aotearoa 2015.
    Presented at NZ Public Health Association Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand,
    September, 2015
  108. Thomson, G.
    Suboptimal smokefree signage at some hospitals: field observations and the use of Google Street View.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    128(1415), 56.
  109. Thomson, G. Blakely, T. van der Deen, F.S. Caldwell, B. Crane, J. Bullen, C.
    Potential new regulatory options for e-cigarettes/ANDS in NZ.
    Public Health Expert,
    25 May 2015
  110. Cunningham, C. Thomson, G.
    The Smokefree 2025 goal is in danger of receding – will the Ministry of Health’s ‘realignment’ get it back on track?
    Public Health Expert Blog,
    18 May 2015
  111. Beaglehole, R. Thomson, G. Cunningham, C.
    Realignment of tobacco control services—will it be sufficient to achieve the nation’s Smokefree 2025 Goal.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    128(1413), 84-87.
  112. Thomson, G.
    The potential of Google Street View for studying smokefree signage.
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
    39(3), 295-296.
  113. Oliver, J. Thomson, G.
    Ten years of a national law covering smoke-free school grounds: a brief review.
    Tobacco Control,
    25(1), 122-122.
  114. Thomson, G.
    The Global Tobacco Industry.
    Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences,
    Waltham, MA, Elsevier, 2015.
  115. Healey, B. Thomson, G. Taylor, S.
    Youth exposure to in-vehicle second-hand smoke and their smoking behaviours: trends and associations in repeated national surveys (2006-2012).
    Tobacco Control,
    2015; 24:146-152.
  116. Eckert, C. Farley, T. Louviere, J.
    Estimating the ‘consumer surplus’ for branded versus standardised tobacco packaging.
    Tobacco Control,
  117. Martin, N. McHugh, H. Murtagh, J. Oliver-Rose, C. Panesar, D. Pengelly, H. Rieper, S. Schofield, H. Singh, V. Speed, A. Strachan, R. Tapsell, T. Trafford, S. van Ryn, S. Ward, E. Whiting, R. Wilson-van Duin, M. Wu, Z. Purdie, G. van der Deen, F.S. Thomson, G. Pearson, A.L.
    Observational study of the visibility of branded tobacco packaging and smoking at outdoor bars/cafés in Wellington, New Zealand.
    NZ Med J,
  118. Oliver, J. Thomson, G.
    Quantifying smoking behaviour, cigarette butt disposal and rates of butt accumulation in public transportation settings – Novel approaches to inform smokefree policies.
    Accepted in Abstract Book at New Zealand Population Health Congress, Auckland, New Zealand,
    6-8 October 2014.
  119. Kelly, A. Tavite, S. Thomson, G.
    Prospects for advancing tobacco control in Tokelau.
    New Zealand Population Health Congress, Auckland, New Zealand,
    6-8 October 2014.
  120. Beaglehole, R. Blakely, T.
    Master class: Smoke Free 2025.
    New Zealand Population Health Congress, Auckland, New Zealand,
    6-8 October 2014.
  121. Thomson, G. Martin, N. McHugh, H. Murtagh, J. Oliver-Rose, C. Panesar, D. Pengelly, H. Rieper, S. Schofield, H. Singh, V. Speed, A. Strachan, R. Tapsell, T. Trafford, S. van Ryn, S. Ward, E. Whiting, R. Wilson-van Duin, M. Wua, Z. Pearson, A. Van der Deen, F.
    The visibility of tobacco brand imagery on cigarette packs outside of bars and cafés.
    SRNT Europe Conference: Santiago de Compostela,
    September 18-20, 2014.
  122. Thomson, G. Pearson, A. Van der Deen, F. two fourth year medical student groups.
    Observed smoking by time of day.
    SRNT Europe Conference: Santiago de Compostela,
    September 18-20, 2014.
  123. Kelly, A. Tavite, S. Thomson, G.
    Should New Zealand do more to help other Pacific nations become smokefree by 2025? The case of Tokelau as a potential example.
    NZ Med J,
  124. Thomson, G. Oliver, J.
    Trends in smoking in vehicles at a local community-level: Wainuiomata 2005-2013.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
  125. Oliver, J. Thomson, G.
    Measurement of cigarette butt litter accumulation within city bus shelters.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
  126. Chan, J. Burnett, T. Baillie, R. Blomfield, S. Cameron-Christie, P. Dickson, J. Fleishl, W. Ghandi, S. Gordon, K. Heo, J. Kesy, A. Yu Kao, A. Kenny, C. Knight, A. Thomson, G.
    Smoking in outdoor areas of bars and cafés: Large differences between midday and evening prevalences.
    Drugs: education, prevention and policy,
    (0), 1-5.
  127. Oliver, J. Thomson, G.
    Public Attitudes to New Smokefree Outdoor Places Policies in New Zealand: An Analysis of 217 Online Comments.
    NZ Med J,
  128. Oliver, J. Thomson, G.
    Smoking close to others and butt littering at bus stops: pilot observational study.
  129. Sustainable regulation of psychoactive substances – but what about tobacco?
  130. Vega, S. Thomson, G.
    Survey of smoking areas at bars in central Wellington City: scope for further hazard reduction?
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
  131. Marshall, A. Thomson, G. Peace, J.
    Missed tobacco tax revenue from ‘foreign’ packs in New Zealand: Results from a discarded pack collection study.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    22 November 2013 Vol 126 No 1386.
  132. The Tobacco Endgame in New Zealand: How Might Tobacco Taxation Contribute for Maori and All New Zealanders? (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at Smokefree Oceania, Auckland, NZ,
    23-25 October, 2013.
  133. Thomson, G.
    Smoking Denormalisation: What Can We Do Now? (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at Smokefree Oceania, Auckland, NZ,
    23-25 October, 2013.
  134. Thomson, G. Pearson, A. Nutsford, D. Jayasinghe, S.
    The Visibility of Smoking Outside Bars and Cafes: New Methodology and Results (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at Smokefree Oceania, Auckland, NZ,
    23-25 October, 2013.
  135. Ikeda, T. Cobiac, L. Carter, K. Blakely, T.
    What is Needed to Achieve New Zealand’s Smokefree Nation Goal: Results from a Forecasting Model (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at Smokefree Oceania, Auckland, NZ,
    23-25 October, 2013.
  136. Marshall, A. Thomson, G. Peace, J.
    Impact of foreign tobacco carried into New Zealand : evidence from a discarded pack collection study (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at Smokefree Oceania, Auckland, NZ,
    23-25 October, 2013.
  137. Marshall, A. Thomson, G. Peace, J.
    How are Tobacco Companies preparing for Standardised Packaging? A Survey of discarded Tobacco Packs in New Zealand (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at Smokefree Oceania, Auckland, NZ,
    23-25 October, 2013.
  138. Thomson, G.
    Updating New Zealand’s national smokefree law to reduce anomalies and improve health protection.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    2013, 126 (1384) 1-3.
  139. Blakely, T.
    What will it take to get to under 5% smoking prevalence 2025? Lots of cessation.
    Public Health Expert,
    October 16, 2013
  140. Thomson, G.
    The need for an expanded national smokefree law – just got more critical.
    Public Health Expert,
    October 4, 2013
  141. Ikeda, T. Cobiac, L. Carter, K. Blakely, T.
    What will it take to get to under 5% smoking prevalence by 2025? Modelling in a country with a smokefree goal.
    Tobacco Control,
    Published Online First:[ 26 Sept 2103] doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-051196
  142. Ikeda, T. Cobiac, L. Nghiem, N. Carter, K. Blakely, T.
    What is Needed to Achieve New Zealand’s Smokefree Nation Goal: Results from a Forecasting Model (Poster).
    Presented at the 10th APACT conference, Japan,
    18-21 August.
  143. Healey, B. Thomson, G. Taylor, S.
    Secondhand smoke exposure in cars and homes is associated with susceptibility to smoking in 14-15 year old children: Repeated national survey data (Poster).
    Presented at the 10th APACT conference, Japan,
    18-21 August.
  144. Thomson, G. Russell, M. Peace, J. Gifford, H.
    Daring to dream: Policy-maker and practitioner views of an ‘endgame’ solution to tobacco smoking at a country level (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at the 10th APACT conference, Japan,
    18-21 August.
  145. Healey, B. Thomson, G. Taylor, S.
    Second-hand smoke exposure of children in cars in New Zealand: Repeated national survey data (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at the 10th APACT conference, Japan,
    18-21 August.
  146. Van der Deen, F.
    Why a new plain packaging law should also cover cigarette design.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
  147. Thomson, G.
    Taking denormalisation seriously: Local government and outdoor smokefree places (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at the 21st National Conference of the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA), Sydney, Australia,
    17-19 June 2013.
  148. Thomson, G.
    Measuring smoking in outdoor public spaces (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at the 21st National Conference of the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA), Sydney, Australia,
    17-19 June 2013.
  149. Thomson, G. Jayasinghe, S. Pearson, A. Nutsford, D.
    The geography of smoking outside bars and cafés in the Wellington CBD (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at the 21st National Conference of the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA), Sydney, Australia,
    17-19 June 2013.
  150. Thomson, G. Russell, M. Jenkin, G. Patel, V.
    The presence of children in outdoor public spaces (Oral Presentation).
    Presented at the 21st National Conference of the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA), Sydney, Australia,
    17-19 June 2013.
  151. Thomson, G. Maubach N.
    Switch to large pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs.
  152. Thomson, G. Blakely, T.
    Potential advantages and disadvantages of an endgame strategy: a ‘sinking lid’ on tobacco supply.
    Tobacco Control,
    2013;22:i18-i21 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050791
  153. Thomson, G. Blakely, T.
    Advantages and Disadvantages of a “Sinking Lid” Tobacco Endgame Strategy (Poster).
    Presented at the 19th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), Boston USA,
    13-16 March 2013.
  154. Thomson, G.
    Lessons for the Tobacco Endgame from Past Successes with Eliminating Other Hazards: Examples from New Zealand (Poster).
    Presented at the 19th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), Boston USA,
    13-16 March 2013.
  155. Thomson, G. Russell, M. Jenkin, G. Patel, V.
    Informing outdoor smokefree policy: Methods for measuring the proportion of people smoking in outdoor public areas.
    Health & Place,
    20, 19-24.
  156. Healey, B. Thomson, G. Taylor, S.
    The important persisting problem of smoking in cars with children: New data from a multi-year national survey of young people.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    126 (1369).
  157. Patel, V. Nowostawski, M. Thomson, G. Medlin, H.
    Developing a smartphone ‘app’ for public health research: the example of measuring observed smoking in vehicles.
    Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,
  158. van der Deen, F.S. Pearson, A.L. Cobiac, L. Blakely, T.
    Expert ranking of tobacco control interventions for health economic modelling research in New Zealand.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
  159. Healey, B. Thomson, G. Taylor, S.
    Youth exposure to in-vehicle second-hand smoke and their smoking behaviours: trends and associations in repeated national surveys (2006–2012).
    Tobacco Control,
  160. Peace, J. Weerasekera, D. Thomson, G.W. Gifford, H.
    Support for a tobacco endgame and increased regulation of the tobacco industry among New Zealand smokers: results from a National Survey.
    Tobacco Control,
    2013;22:e86-e93 Published Online First : 25 April 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050324