This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa outputs (e.g., blogs, op-eds, research reports, submissions, conference presentations, and posters). Many outputs include links to an online resource or can be downloaded directly as a PDF. You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.


  • Smokefree pregnancy interventions and non-smoking identities (Oral presentation).
    Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Melbourne, Australia,
    2017, December
  • George, M. Conner, T. Thrul, J. Langlotz, T.
    Smart technology: Insights into smoking and “vaping” (Oral presentation).
    Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Melbourne, Australia,
    2017, December
  • Key findings from the smart e-cigarette study (Oral presentation).
    Achieving a Smokefree Aotearoa by 2025 Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand,
    2017, November
  • An exploration of transitions from smoking to vaping using a “smart” electronic nicotine delivery system (Oral presentation).
    Smokefree 2025 Research Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand,
    2017, November
  • “Smart” e-cigarettes and smartphones: Real-time data collection among smokers attempting to quit using an e-cigarette (Oral presentation).
    Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, Hobart, Australia,
    2017, October
  • Richards, R.
    “It didn’t fill the void”: Reasons for e-cigarette and tobacco dual use (Oral presentation).
    Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, Hobart, Australia,
    2017, October
  • McMillan, L. Richards, R.
    Information-seeking by ENDS users: What do they look for and what do they find? (Oral presentation).
    Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, Hobart, Australia,
    2017, October
  • Changing identities: How do smokers become vapers? (Oral presentation).
    Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, Hobart, Australia,
    2017, October
  • Opinion: How might a lethal product be sold safely?
    Dominion Post,
    June 1 2017.
  • Will liberalising nicotine availability increase quitting?
    Public Health Expert,
    24 April 2017