ASPIRE 2025, together with colleagues formerly from the Health Promotion Agency, have a new paper published in the NZMJ on smoking prevalence from the 2013 Census.
The NZ Ministry of Health is currently reviewing public submissions on options that would allow nicotine-containing e-cigarettes to be sold legally in NZ.
Although roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco often elicits negative connotations of a lower class product, uptake and use by young adult smokers has grown because RYO is more cost-eff
New Zealand’s Smokefree 2025 goal is now less than ten years away but we are unlikely to achieve this world-leading goal unless the Government introduces innovative new policies that reduce smoking
ASPIRE2025 co-directors, Professors Janet Hoek and Richard Edwards, welcome the introduction of standardised packaging and congratulate Dame Tariana Turia for her
Co-directors of ASPIRE 2025 Richard Edwards and Janet Hoek together with Natalie Walker, Chris Bullen and Robert Beaglehole of the University of Auckland have co-authored this new document outlinin