This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa publications in peer reviewed journals (e.g., articles, editorials, and letters). You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.

  • Katoa, L.
    Specialist vape store audit reveals poor compliance with new e-cigarette regulations
    New Zealand Medical Journal, 137 (1596).
  • A narrative analysis of a tobacco industry campaign to disrupt Aotearoa New Zealand’s endgame policies
    Tobacco Control.
  • Perceptions of illicit tobacco sources following a proposed reduction in tobacco availability: A qualitative analysis of New Zealanders who smoke
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
  • E-cigarette flavours and vaping as a social practice: Implications for tobacco control
    Critical Public Health. DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2023.2226806
  • New Zealand adolescents’ responses to plain packaging and new pictorial warning labels: Repeat cross-sectional survey analysis
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.
  • Robertson, L. Sanford, KR.
    A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences of People Who Resumed Smoking Following Exclusive Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Use
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2023;25(3):470-7.
  • Fenton, E Joshi, A Evans-Reeves, K Robertson, L
    An analysis of arguments advanced via twitter in an advocacy campaign to promote electronic nicotine delivery systems
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2023;25(3),533-540.
  • How do people who smoke perceive a tobacco retail outlet reduction policy in Aotearoa New Zealand? A qualitative analysis
    Tobacco Control.
  • Hardie, L Freeman, B
    E-Cigarette Retailers' Use of Instagram in New Zealand: A Content Analysis
    International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(3), 1897. doi:10.3390/ijerph20031897
  • Hardie, L Freeman, B
    An analysis of key stakeholder policy perspectives in the proposed e-cigarette regulations in New Zealand
    Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals. doi:10.1002/hpja.709