This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa publications in peer reviewed journals (e.g., articles, editorials, and letters). You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.

  • Thomson, G. Nee-Nee, J. Sutherland, K. Holland, R. Wilson, M.
    Observed vaping and smoking in outdoor public places: Piloting objective data collection for policies on outdoor vaping.
    Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
    43(4), 401-402.
  • Addressing ethnic disparities in adolescent smoking: Is reducing exposure to smoking in the home a key?
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
    21(4), 430-438.
  • Thomson, G.
    Smokefree signage at railway stations: A survey of 54 stations in 11 local government areas.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    132(1490), 59-61.
  • Moodie, C. MacKintosh, A.M. Best, C. Murray, S.
    The response of young adult smokers and nonsmokers in the United Kingdom to dissuasive cigarettes: An online survey.
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
    21(2), 227-233.
  • Gravely, S. Driezen, P. Ouimet, J. Quah, A.C.K. Cummings, K.M. Thompson, M.E. Boudreau, C. Hammond, D. McNeill, A. Borland, R. Thrasher, J.F. Omar, M. Hitchman, S.C. Yong, H.H. Barrientos-Gutierrez, T. Willemsen, M.C. Bianco, E. Boado, M. Goma, F.M. Seo, H.G. Nargis, N. Jiang, Y. Perez, C.A. Fong, G.T.
    Prevalence of awareness, ever-use and current use of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) among adult current smokers and ex-smokers in 14 countries with differing regulations on sales and marketing of NVPs: Cross-sectional findings from the ITC Project.
    114(6), 1060-1073.
  • Eckert, C. Louviere, J. Thrasher, J.F.
    Young adult susceptible non-smokers' and smokers' responses to capsule cigarettes.
    Tobacco Control,
    28(5), 498-505.
  • Mostafa, A. Mohammed, H.T. Hussein, W.M. Elhabiby, M. Safwat, W. Labib, S. Aboul Fotouh, A.
    Would placing pictorial health warnings on waterpipe devices reduce waterpipe tobacco smoking? A qualitative exploration of Egyptian waterpipe smokers' and non-smokers' responses.
    Tobacco Control,
    28(4), 475-478.
  • Nee-Nee, J. Sutherland, K. Holland, R. Wilson, M. Ackland, S. Bocock, C. Cartmell, A. Earp, J. Grove, C. Hewson, C. Jefferies, W. Keefe, L. Lockyer, J. Patel, S. Quintans, M. Robbie, M. Teape, L. Yang, J. Thomson, G.
    Tobacco pack display at hospitality venues after the introduction of standardised tobacco packaging in New Zealand: A field observation study.
    BMJ Open,
    9(9), Article e027868.
  • Murad, M. McGee, R.
    The contribution of smokefree outdoor areas in achieving New Zealand's Smokefree 2025 goal.
    Health Promotion Journal of Australia,
    30(2), 199-206.
  • Cameron, C. Sullivan, T. Peterson, E.
    Prevalence and characteristics of tobacco purchases in convenience stores: Results of a post-purchase intercept survey in Dunedin, New Zealand.
    Tobacco Control,
    28(6), 696-700.