This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa publications in peer reviewed journals (e.g., articles, editorials, and letters). You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.

  • Fenton, E Joshi, A Evans-Reeves, K Robertson, L
    An analysis of arguments advanced via twitter in an advocacy campaign to promote electronic nicotine delivery systems
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2023;25(3),533-540.
  • How do people who smoke perceive a tobacco retail outlet reduction policy in Aotearoa New Zealand? A qualitative analysis
    Tobacco Control.
  • Hardie, L Freeman, B
    E-Cigarette Retailers' Use of Instagram in New Zealand: A Content Analysis
    International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(3), 1897. doi:10.3390/ijerph20031897
  • Zhang, J. Bowden, J. Hammond, D.
    Early‐onset smoking and vaping of cannabis: Prevalence, correlates and trends in New Zealand 14–15‐year‐olds
    Drug and Alcohol Review
  • Ouakrim, DA. Wilson, T. Maddox, R. Andrabi, H. Mishra, SR. Summers, JA. Gartner, CE. Lovett, R.
    Tobacco endgame intervention impacts on health gains and Māori: non-Māori health inequity: a simulation study of the Aotearoa/New Zealand Tobacco Action Plan
    Tobacco Control.
  • Oakly, A. Martin, G.
    Prevalence of e-cigarette use from a nationally representative sample in New Zealand.
    Addictive Behaviors,
    98, Article 106024.
  • Gurram, N. Thomson, G.
    Electronic cigarette online marketing by New Zealand vendors.
    New Zealand Medical Journal,
    132(1505), 20-33.
  • George, M. Conner, T.S. Thrul, J. Ling, P.M. Langlotz, T.
    An exploration of smoking-to-vaping transition attempts using a "smart" electronic nicotine delivery system.
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
    21(10), 1339-1346.
  • McKiernan, A. Kaai, S.C. Quah, A.C.K. Fong, G.T.
    Beliefs among adult smokers and quitters about nicotine and de-nicotinized cigarettes in the 2016-17 ITC New Zealand Survey.
    Tobacco Regulatory Science,
    5(5), 400-409.
  • Thomson, G. Nee-Nee, J. Sutherland, K. Holland, R. Wilson, M.
    Observed vaping and smoking in outdoor public places: Piloting objective data collection for policies on outdoor vaping.
    Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
    43(4), 401-402.