This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa outputs (e.g., blogs, op-eds, research reports, submissions, conference presentations, and posters). Many outputs include links to an online resource or can be downloaded directly as a PDF. You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.


  • Oliver, J. Kim, A. Mills, S.
    Tobacco retail outlets: Inside and out.
    Symposium: Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco (SNRT) 24th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland,
  • Maynard, O. Sillero-Rejon, C. Leonards, U. Toll, B. Gove, H.
    The impact of health warning location, framing, type, immediacy, and severity on visual attention and self-reported avoidance.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SNRT) 24th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland,
  • The effect of tobacco price changes on adolescent smoking [Poster].
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SNRT) 24th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland,
  • Petrovic-van der Deen, F.S. Cleghorn, C.L. Nghiem, N. Kvizhinadze, G. Blakely, T.
    The BODE3 online interactive league table: Results for tobacco control interventions.
    ASPIRE-NIHI Smokefree 2025 Research Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand,
  • Sim, D.
    Teen smoking in New Zealand’s Pacific people: Differences between Samoan, Cook Islands Māori, Tongan, and Niuean adolescents in smoking prevalence and exposure to risk factors.
    Pacific International Health Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand,
  • Kaai, S. Quah, A. Fong, G.
    Smoking and quitting in social networks among indigenous and non-indigenous smokers: Findings from the ITC New Zealand survey.
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SNRT) 24th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland,
  • Smoking and drinking patterns among Māori/non-Māori.
    Paper presented at the Smokefree 2025 Research Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand,
  • Should we pay all smokers to quit smoking? A mixed methods survey exploring New Zealand smokers’ perceptions of financial incentives.
    17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), Cape Town, South Africa,
  • RYO packaging and improving cessation efficacy.
    ASPIRE-NIHI Smokefree 2025 Research Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand,
  • Richards, R.
    Regulation of vaping spaces: A qualitative analysis of vapers’ perceptions [Poster].
    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SNRT) 24th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland,