This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa outputs (e.g., blogs, op-eds, research reports, submissions, conference presentations, and posters). Many outputs include links to an online resource or can be downloaded directly as a PDF. You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.

For a summary of our most recent outputs, please click here.


  • Thomson, G. Blakely, T.
    Advantages and Disadvantages of a “Sinking Lid” Tobacco Endgame Strategy (Poster).
    Presented at the 19th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), Boston USA,
    13-16 March 2013.
  • Strengthening tobacco policy: The case for best practice packaging and regulation
    Public Health Communication Centre Aotearoa

    Strengthening tobacco policy: The case for best practice packaging and regulation | PHCC