The tobacco industry language that found its way into ministerial papers-click to read
Mahitahi Hauora hosted ASPIRE 2025 researchers in Kerikeri on Friday 29 November, at an event aimed to feedback research findings to members of the Smokefree network in Northland.
Richard Edwards of ASPIRE 2025 and Nick Wilson of BODE3 took part in a debate on September 24 organised by LEANZ (Law and Economics Association of New Zealand).
We invite to this ASPIRE 2025 seminar all those involved in helping Aotearoa New Zealand achieve a Smokefree 2025.
Join us in person or link in live by webinar.
We invite to this ASPIRE2025 seminar all those involved in helping Aotearoa New Zealand achieve a Smokefree 2025.
Earlybird rates include a 25% discount available until 20 December 2018
Mark your diaries now for this ASPIRE2025 seminar to be presented by Professor Gerard Hastings an internationally recognized expert in social marketing research.
20/11/14 Update – Thank you to all those who were able to attend Marisa’s presentation. We have had excellent feedback and hope to post a summary of her presentation slides shortly.
Update – it was great to see so many at this presentation by Professor Mike Daube and to hear of the positive results for plain packaging in Australia.
If you have a special interest in promoting smokefree behaviour to young adults, we invite you to register now for our Public Health Summer School course:
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