The tobacco industry language that found its way into ministerial papers-click to read
Dr Janine Nip, University of Otago
Dr Jude Ball, University of Otago
Professor Richard Edwards, University of Otago
Presenter: Associate Professor Raglan Maddox
The Tobacco Endgame CRE and The University of Queensland hosted a World No Tobacco Day Symposium to bring together international tobacco control researchers.
We are pleased to have had a fantastic turn out at our 2023 ASPIRE Aotearoa Symposium held on the 23rd of May in Wellington.
Led by Richard Edwards, ASPIRE Aotearoa ran a one day course at the 2023 University of Otago Public Health Summer School.
We invite our colleagues and associates in tobacco control to an ASPIRE2025 seminar with award-winning tobacco control researcher Associate Professor Jim Thrasher from the Arnold School of Public H
Thank you to all who attended this seminar. A PDF copy of the presentation slides and a link to a webinar recording is available on request to
We invite you to this seminar on tobacco, trade and global health by Professor Jeff Collin from the University of Edinburgh.
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