The tobacco industry language that found its way into ministerial papers-click to read
Dr Janine Nip, University of Otago
Dr Jude Ball, University of Otago
Professor Richard Edwards, University of Otago
Presenter: Associate Professor Raglan Maddox
The Tobacco Endgame CRE and The University of Queensland hosted a World No Tobacco Day Symposium to bring together international tobacco control researchers.
We are pleased to have had a fantastic turn out at our 2023 ASPIRE Aotearoa Symposium held on the 23rd of May in Wellington.
Led by Richard Edwards, ASPIRE Aotearoa ran a one day course at the 2023 University of Otago Public Health Summer School.
ASPIRE2025 and NIHI are delighted to announce our 3rd tobacco control research symposium.
This symposium was hosted by ASPIRE2025 (University of Otago) and National Institute for Health Innovation – NIHI (University of Auckland).
We invite all those involved in helping Aotearoa New Zealand achieve a Smokefree 2025 to this ASPIRE2025 seminar.
Join us in person or link in live by webinar.
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