This study used novel smart technology to explore smoking-to-vaping transitions and suggests vaping is a complicated process and that some vapers may need additional cessation support to become smo
New Zealand has a world-leading goal to reduce smoking to minimal levels by 2025. World Smokefree Day is a good time to reflect on progress and review what is needed to realise that goal.
A team from the University of Otago, Wellington has just published a radical new framework for designing international trade and investment treaties (TIAs).
We are delighted to share with you the 2017 ASPIRE2025 Annual Report, which highlights the many and varied studies we have undertaken during the past year.
In April 2018, ASPIRE2025 researchers were privileged to host in Wellington, Dr Donna Vallone, Chief Research Officer at Truth Initiative in the United States. Truth Initiative® is A
This new study suggests that threats of lawsuits by the tobacco industry helped delay the New Zealand legislation for plain tobacco packs by at least three years.
The presentations and posters by ASPIRE2025 researchers at the World Conference Tobacco or Health (WCToH) – Cape Town, South Africa, March 2018 are listed below.