Journal publications

This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa publications in peer reviewed journals (e.g., articles, editorials, and letters). You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.

For a summary of our most recent outputs, please click here.

  • Wise practices in commercial tobacco research to promote racial equity
    Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
  • Howden-Chapman, P. Bennett, J. Jacobs, D. Nathan, K. Ormandy, D.
    Review of the Impact of Housing Quality on Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing
    Annual Review of Public Health, 2023;44:10.1–10.22.
  • Robertson, L. Sanford, KR.
    A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences of People Who Resumed Smoking Following Exclusive Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Use
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2023;25(3):470-7.
  • Maddox, R. Drummond, A. Kennedy, M. Martinez, SA. Henderson, PN. Clark, H. Upton, P. Lee, JP. Hardy, BJ. Tautolo, ES. Bradbrook, S. Calma, T. Whop, LJ.
    Ethical publishing in ‘Indigenous’ contexts.
    Tobacco Control.
  • Fenton, E Joshi, A Evans-Reeves, K Robertson, L
    An analysis of arguments advanced via twitter in an advocacy campaign to promote electronic nicotine delivery systems
    Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2023;25(3),533-540.
  • How do people who smoke perceive a tobacco retail outlet reduction policy in Aotearoa New Zealand? A qualitative analysis
    Tobacco Control.
  • Hardie, L Freeman, B
    E-Cigarette Retailers' Use of Instagram in New Zealand: A Content Analysis
    International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(3), 1897. doi:10.3390/ijerph20031897
  • Ouakrim, DA. Wilson, T. Maddox, R. Andrabi, H. Mishra, SR. Summers, JA. Gartner, CE. Lovett, R.
    Tobacco endgame intervention impacts on health gains and Māori: non-Māori health inequity: a simulation study of the Aotearoa/New Zealand Tobacco Action Plan
    Tobacco Control.
  • Hardie, L Freeman, B
    An analysis of key stakeholder policy perspectives in the proposed e-cigarette regulations in New Zealand
    Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals. doi:10.1002/hpja.709