Publication or Resource

Thornley, L. Schwartz, R. Hara, M. Clancy, L. Duffy, S. Gilljam, H.
Findings from the INSPIRED (Network to Share Insights on Tobacco Endgames) project [Oral presentation].
Society for Research into Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) 25th Annual Meeting Conference, San Francisco, California, United States,
2019, Feb 20-23
Thornley, L. Schwartz, R. Hara, M. Clancy, L. Duffy, S. Gilljam, H.
What is happening in countries with tobacco endgame goals? Findings from the INSPIRED (Network to Share Insights on Tobacco Endgames) project [Oral presentation].
The 23rd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, New Zealand,
2019, April 7-11
Bangura, K. Binns, T.
The state of tobacco control in Sierra Leone: An exploratory study [Oral presentation].
The Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 12th Annual Conference: Global Health in the Era of Climate Change, Wellington, New Zealand,
2019, Nov 6-7
Cook, H. Sim, D.
Trends in smoking, drinking, cannabis use and sexual behavior in Australia, England, New Zealand and the United States, 1990-2017: What are the patterns, and what do they suggest about the causes of declining adolescent risk behaviour? [Oral presentation]
Youth Drinking in Decline: Thematic Meeting of the Kettil Bruun Society, Krakow, Poland,
2019, April 10-12
Moodie, C. Scheffels, J. Gallopel-Morvan, K. Lindorff, K.
Plain packaging: Legislative differences in Australia, France, the UK, New Zealand and Norway, and options for strengthening regulations.
Tobacco Control,
28(5), 485-492.
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