The 5000 annual deaths caused by smoking also matter
Publication or Resource
Impact of five tobacco endgame strategies on future smoking prevalence, population health and health system costs: two modelling studies to inform the tobacco endgame.
Tobacco Control,
2018;27:278-286 .
Impact of increasing tobacco taxes on working-age adults: Short-term health gain, health equity and cost savings.
Tobacco Control,
2018; 27:e167-e170.
Submission to the Tax Working Group.
University of Otago, Wellington,
April 2018.
Indigenous and non-indigenous experiences and views of tobacco tax increases: Findings from the ITC New Zealand survey.
Tobacco Induced Diseases,
16(Suppl. 1), A684
Thomson, G.
Common background for tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food price policies [Oral presentation].
Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Pricing Policies for Tobacco, Alcohol and Food. Health Coalition Aotearoa. Wellington, New Zealand,
2019, April 30
Tobacco issues paper [Oral presentation].
Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Pricing Policies for Tobacco, Alcohol and Food. Health Coalition Aotearoa. Wellington, New Zealand,
2019, April 30
Thomson, G.
Standardised tobacco retail pricing: How governments can limit tobacco industry power, help smokers and improve health equity [Oral presentation].
The 23rd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, New Zealand,
2019, April 7-11