Publication or Resource

Howden-Chapman, P. Bennett, J. Jacobs, D. Nathan, K. Ormandy, D.
Review of the Impact of Housing Quality on Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing
Annual Review of Public Health, 2023;44:10.1–10.22.
Gravely, S. Nyamurungi, K.N. Kabwama, S.N. Okello, G. Heng, K.K.C. Bianco, E.
Knowledge, opinions and compliance related to the 100% smoke-free law in hospitality venues in Kampala, Uganda: cross-sectional results from the KOMPLY Project.
BMJ Open,
8(1) e017601.
Gurtner, M. Gage, R. Thomson, G. Jaine, R. Smith, M. Signal, L.
Are children smoke-free at home? Using wearable cameras to study children’s exposure to smoking and smoking paraphernalia in private spaces.
Child: Care, Health and Development,
Advance online publication.

Research Project

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