The March issue of leading smokefree journal Tobacco Control features a collection of articles on key current issues and debates in which Aotearoa New Zealand authors and content are strongly repre
A new paper led by Professor Nick Wilson has been published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. It explores the potential impact of denicotinisation of tobacco products as proposed in the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan.
New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) data released in early December suggest substantial reductions in smoking prevalence occurred between 2019/20 and 2020/21 among all ethnic groups.
People who smoke with serious mental illness carry disproportionate costs from smoking, including poor health and premature death from tobacco-related illnesses.
New research from ASPIRE2025 researchers found some progress but many problems with the outdoor smokefree policies of the sample of NZ councils studied.
The Government’s Action Plan for a Smokefree Aotearoa is comprehensive, bold, and recognises the importance of improving the health of Māori and eliminating the unacceptable disparities in smoking
In November 2004, 44 per cent of bar managers supported smokefree indoor regulations. Six months later, after the smokefree bar law came into effect, 61 per cent were supportive.