This page includes ASPIRE Aotearoa outputs (e.g., blogs, op-eds, research reports, submissions, conference presentations, and posters). Many outputs include links to an online resource or can be downloaded directly as a PDF. You can search journal publications by category, type of publication, year of publication, and author.

For a summary of our most recent outputs, please click here.


  • Marketing et utilisation des nouveaux produits du tabac par les jeunes (Oral presentation in French).
    13e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Tabacologie. Tous égaux face au tabac? Palais des congrès. Ajaccio, France,
    2019, Nov 21-22
  • Transitions to vaping in the land of the long white cloud [Oral presentation].
    Institute of Advanced Study Seminar, Durham University, United Kingdom,
    2019, Nov 17
  • Public Health and pleasure: Adversaries or Allies? [Oral presentation].
    Institute of Advanced Study Seminar, Durham University, United Kingdom,
    2019, Nov 11
  • Bangura, K. Binns, T.
    The state of tobacco control in Sierra Leone: An exploratory study [Oral presentation].
    The Otago Global Health Institute (OGHI) 12th Annual Conference: Global Health in the Era of Climate Change, Wellington, New Zealand,
    2019, Nov 6-7
  • New Zealand tobacco control developments [Oral presentation].
    FRESH North-East Seminar, Durham, United Kingdom,
    2019, Nov 04
  • Smoking and vaping as social practices [Oral presentation].
    Anthropology Department Seminar, Durham University, United Kingdom,
    2019, Oct 23
  • Haggart, K.
    “It’s Just Steam”: A Qualitative Analysis of Vaping Norms [Poster].
    Society for Nicotine & Tobacco Research (SRNT) Oceania Conference, Sydney, Australia,
    2019, Oct 23-24