Publication or Resource

Crosbie, E. Thomson, G. Freeman, B. Bialous, S.
Advancing progressive health policy to reduce NCDs amidst international commercial opposition: Tobacco standardised packaging in Australia.
Global Public Health,
13(12), 1753-1766.
Thomson, G.
Standardised tobacco retail pricing: How governments can limit tobacco industry power, help smokers and improve health equity [Oral presentation].
The 23rd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, New Zealand,
2019, April 7-11
Robson, B. Gifford, H. Smylie, J. Reading, J. Henderson, J.A. Nez Henderson, P. Maddox, R. Lovett, R. Eades, S. Finlay, S. Calma, T.
Foundation for a smoke-free world and healthy indigenous futures: An oxymoron?
Tobacco Control,
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