Research Project

Publication or Resource

Roberston, L. Sanford, K-R.
A qualitative analysis of smoking resumption among former ends users (Oral presentation).
Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Oceania Webinar, Australia,
29 April 2022.
Roberston, L. Sanford, K-R.
A qualitative analysis of smoking resumption among former ends users (Oral presentation).
Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore, Maryland, USA,
March 15-18, 2022.
Nghiem, N. Cleghorn, C.L. Leung, W. Nair, N. Deen, F.S.V. Blakely, T.
A national quitline service and its promotion in the mass media: modelling the health gain, health equity and cost-utility.
Tobacco Control,
2018 (4):434-441 .
Logan, S. Twine, S. Bromiley, G. Curtis, H.
Factors influencing the smoking status of ex-prisoners reintegrating into the community after release: A pilot study.
New Zealand Medical Journal,
131(1470), 94-96.
Petrović-van der Deen, F.S. Blakely, T.
Modelling the number of quitters needed to achieve New Zealand’s Smokefree 2025 goal for Māori and non-Māori.
New Zealand Medical Journal,
131(1487), 30-37.
Perceptions of financial incentives for smoking cessation: A survey of smokers in a country with an endgame goal.
Nicotine & Tobacco Research,
20(12), 1481-1488.
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